NMD Labour Market Partnership

NMD Labour Market Partnership support local employment and upskilling opportunities for residents and increase the supply of skilled workers for employers in the district. NMD Labour Market Partnership is delivering a suite of programmes focusing on ensuring that this district offers residents the best opportunities for accessing work, upskilling for work whilst promoting Newry, Mourne…

Your New Career Starts Here

Newry, Mourne and Down District Council (NMD) via the NMD Labour Market Partnership, supported by Department of Communities is hosting a timely Job Fair on Thursday 30th June from 10am- 3pm at The Canal Court Hotel in Newry. The event is taking place in response recent Labour market research undertaken by the NMD Labour Market…

Newry, Mourne and Down Labour Market Partnership supports apprenticeship showcase events.

South Eastern Regional College, supported by Newry, Mourne and Down Labour Market Partnership (NMD LMP) recently held a number of networking events for local employers to promote the apprenticeships opportunities available at the College across the Newry, Mourne and Down District Council area. Local employers and key stakeholders were invited to the McNeil Room at…