Down Business Support
- Down Business Centre provides business accommodation at competitive rates for light industrial, commercial and service sector businesses, both new and established.
- Encourage and support local people on their journey into self-employment and help businesses grow through training, one-to-one mentoring, tailored programmes and masterclasses.
- Also a suite of training and meeting rooms for hire.

- Sales Growth
- Innovation
- Cross-Border Trade Hub.

- Invest NI and offers a wealth of advice to help your business compete successfully and function efficiently across a variety of areas. Support is tailored to your needs and includes advice, mentoring and finance.

Newry & Mourne Co-operative and Enterprise Agency
- Exploring Enterprise
- Social Enterprise Newry, Mourne and Down
- Support for Young People
- Transnational Co-operation.
-, is a free service offered by Invest Northern Ireland. The portal is the official online channel for business advice and guidance in Northern Ireland.

- Develop technology for business growth
- Upskill existing employees
- Develop new products, services or markets
- Innovate existing products, services or processes
- Employ the right people

- InnovateUs (30-60 hrs mentoring to support and help develop an innovation activity)
- Innovation Vouchers (65 hrs R&D support)
- Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) – support to recruit a graduate and receive academic expertise to undertake a new piece of development for the
- Business (new product or process)
- Assured Skills academies – funding from DfE to support new job creation and bespoke training where there are skills gaps within the company
- Skills Focus – 75% funding towards cost of accredited training for staff within the business
- Higher Level Apprenticeships